Well… Here we are. Another Palooza down. Another issue in.
I want to thank everyone who came out, stopped by the booth, and attended the panel. We appreciate your support in any way you choose to give it. We’re doing what we love, and it’s always a pleasure seeing so many faces, both old and new.
The panel. Making comics the Pulp 21 way. So much fun. We had quite a bit more people than expected show up. We told our story, gave the bare bones of who we are, what we do, and then opened up for questions. You guys didn’t disappoint. We talked about a range of things, but I feel the message was clear in the end. We love comics. We want to make comics. Making comics is hard. We want you to make comics too.
I feel lame saying this, but the panel was very much a reaffirmation of why we’re doing what we’re doing. We had some great questions tossed our way, and I think with every response we reinvested ourselves. That’s a helluva thing. So I can’t thank everyone enough who attended the panel.
Things are starting to come together for us here at Pulp 21. We have a handful of good looking books. We have a plethora of projects in the works. Issue #3 of In Media Rex is next on the agenda. We’re already well on our way to finishing it, but with Amazing-con in September, we definitely have a deadline.
Ugh. Deadlines. The bane of our ambitions.
I’ll say it again.
“Just finish.”
L to R: James Roberts, Chet Presley, Aleisha Bayron, and John McElroy of Pulp 21
Actor Robert Duncan McNeill, of Star Trek: Voyager, stopped by our table late Sunday afternoon, bought a few comics off of us, and became the proud owner of Aleisha Bayron's "Baby Trump" sketch card for his contribution to the cause.